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Castles and Moated Sites of Herefordshire

Ron Shoesmith

A stunningly comprehensive guide to all the castles of Herefordshire including many a site suggested on the slightest of evidence. Every site is described and referenced, there are relatively few illustrations but these are good plans, line drawings and a couple of reconstruction drawings (That of Wigmore is good), photos are poor though.
This is an excellent gazetteer.
The 2009 revised edition is a considerably improvement in scope and content.
164 sites.
211 'castle' sites (revised edition) although 2 sites from previous edition omitted. Moated sites generally not referenced in Gatehouse.

Published by Logaston Press (1996; 2009 revised edition)
ISBN: 1 873827 59 8; 978 1906663 30 8 (revised edition)

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
(a small percentage of revenue generated from purchases made via this link is donated to the Castle Studies Group.)


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
