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Castel Rozel

Also known as, or recorded in historical documents as;
Le Câtel de Rozel; La Petite Césaree

In the parish of Trinity.
On the Isle of Jersey.

Latitude 49.23951° Longitude -2.04536°

Castel Rozel has been described as a Timber Castle although is doubtful that it was such.

There are earthwork remains.

This site is a archaeological monument protected by law.


Diaz da Gomez, who accompanied Pero Nino in his raid of 1406, says that there were then "five fortified castles" in the island. Three of of these would be Mont Orgueil, Grosnez, and Chastel Sedement. It is difficult to guess what the others could have been, unless they were the Castel de Lecq and the similar Castel at Rozel. (Balleine 1951)

A 6m high bank extending approximately 200m forms the largest of the Jersey Iron Age forts. Believed to have once been much longer. Not excavated but finds of coins and a bronze dagger suggest activity in the first century BC and remnants of a Neolithic bank have been found below that of the Iron Age. (

Earthwork of Iron Age promontory fort. This is the prime candidate for the main Iron Age centre of Jersey and probably represents one of the few remaining sites where evidence of occupation through a series of periods may remain in context. (States of Jersey HER)

Comments (by Philip Davis)

Pre-historic fortification which could have been used as a popular refuge for the islanders, who were vulnerable to pirate raids, at any date but it does not seem likely that any significant work was done in the medieval period to even maintain the earthwork defences, let alone improve these.
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This record last updated on Tuesday, August 11, 2015
