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Medieval Town Walls

An Archaeology and Social History of Urban Defence
Oliver H. Creighton
Robert A. Higham
Although the medieval town defences of Britain have been the subject of many case studies, general treatments have been marginalised in favour of numerous books on cathedrals, castles and other medieval monuments. However, a huge volume of archaeological and historical work has been pursued on the topic since it was first treated in book form more than thirty years ago. This is now synthesised in a new work, which brings to its rightful prominence a characteristic feature of town life which was of long-lasting and widespread importance. The book examines critically the functions and meanings of town defences, and develops an academic agenda for future research.

Published by Tempus Publishing Ltd (2005; Stroud)
ISBN: 0 7524 1445 3

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
(a small percentage of revenue generated from purchases made via this link is donated to the Castle Studies Group.)


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
